Volume 15, No.147, June 2010
7 Arab water: Apocalypse now (editorial by Najib Saab)
10 Ten steps to reduce your corporate carbon print
12 Biodiversity is life by Ahmed Djoghlaf, executive secretary of the convention on biological diversity
14 Diverse Lebanon by Dr. Georges Tohme, president of the board of the Lebanese national council for scientific research
22 What fate awaits life on earth? Global diversity outlook GDO-3, World Environment Day
26 The impact of climate change on Arab biodiversity (cover story)
30 Facts and figures about biodiversity and extinction
32 Is climate change responsible for mass outbreaks of forest insects in Lebanon?
36 IUCN red list of species in peril
46 Lebanon, paradise lost?
52 Best wildlife photos
56 Grey water for southern Lebanese gardens
57 Technologies that mimic nature
58 Cleaning pollution hotspots: success stories Blacksmith Institute report
61 Timber fueled Cambodian civil war
62 Wind giant wind turbines provide 20% of Denmark’s electricity
Letters 8 - Environment in a month 16 - UNEP news34 - New science 64 - School activities 68 - Library 72 - Calendar 74