Developing a common market for environmentally-friendly technologies and products is among the aims of a new initiative called the Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED) whose forward-looking work programme was announced today. ...more |
Automakers, oil, pollution and development
Transfer of cleaner and more energy-efficient technologies to the Chinese automobile industry ...more |
Development pressures threaten to overwhelm the Mediterranean by 2025, says Blue Plan report. Study also recommends solutions for minimizing the damage. ...more |
The island of Borneo is a place of great natural beauty and rich biodiversity. ...more |
Tackling Illegal Trade in Ozone-depleting Substances and Dangerous Waste ...more |
Now, what's that gunk on my car? Clearly most victims of traffic accidents aren't human, they arent't even vertebrates. ...more |
News in the past two months has been dominated by the situation in Lebanon. Not only is Lebanon a member state of the UNEP Regional Office for West Asia, the home of the Al-Bia Wal-Tanmia editorial team, it is also my family home. ...more |
You can clean up the language of war and conflict-smart bombs, surgical strikes, collateral damage, friendly fire-but cleaning up the consequences is a far harder task. ...more |
The survey on environmental trends in Arab countries was organized by Al-Bia Wal- Tanmia (Environment & Development) magazine, in cooperation with the Regional Office for West Asia of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/ROWA) and the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment (CAMRE). ...more |
"Inventing for the Environment" consists of a collection of essays written by specialists in a wide variety of fields; they include environmental, science technology and business historians as well as engineers, scientists, architects and town planners. ...more |