Sunday 09 Mar 2025 |
Environment and development AL-BIA WAL-TANMIA Leading Arabic Environment Magazine

About Us
AL-BIA WAL-TANMIA (Environment & Development) magazine was established by Najib Saab in 1996 as the first regionwide Arabic mass circulation magazine. It soon became the source where decision makers and public alike obtain accurate and up-to-date information on all what relates to environment and sustainable development.
AL-BIA WAL-TANMIA doesn’t preach from afar. It gets right in among the community.
With a circulation of 38,500 in 22 countries, the magazine is used in schools and universities, and its articles are syndicated in 12 daily newspapers. The magazine helped create over 500 school environment clubs. Annual competitions under the title “a better environment begins with you,” aimed at creating environmental awareness among students, have attracted more than a million entries.
Quarterly wall chart called green bulletin distributed to schools free of charge. AL-BIA WAL-TANMIA publishes books for various age groups.
It has developed for teachers an environmental education program and trained thousands of teachers in Lebanon, Syria, UAE, Djibouti and elsewhere. On its tenth anniversary in 2006, the magazine was behind the creation of Arab Forum for Environment & Development (AFED), the foremost pan-Arab environment organization.
Between 2006-2012, AL-BIA WAL-TANMIA (Environment & Development) magazine acted as AFED’s media platform. Since beginning 2013, Najib Saab handed over the magazine to AFED, to be published by the organization, while retaining its editorial independence.
Najib Saab
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
Raghida Haddad
Executive Editor
  Amal Al-Mosharrafieh
Marketing and Advertising
  Imad Farhat
Copy Editor
Lilian Youssef
Management Assistant
Maguy Abou Jaoude
Graphic Designer
   Lucien Degroot
Illustrator and Graphic Designer














AL-BIA WAL-TANMIA Environment & Development

(ISSN 1816-1103)
The leading Arabic environment magazine is published bi-monthly by Technical Publications
© 2012 by Technical Publications
Echmoun Bldg., Damascus Road, Downtown Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: (+961)1- 321800, Fax: (+961)1- 321900
Mailing Address: P.O.Box 113-5474 Beirut, 1103 - 2040, Lebanon
Annual Subscription
Lebanon LL 75,000, All Arab Countries: US$ 75
Other Countries: US$ 125, Institutions: US$ 150
Advertising Sales - Coordination Office:
P.O.Box 113-5474 Beirut, 1103 - 2040, Lebanon
Tel: (+961)1- 321800, Fax: (+961)1- 321900
UAE: Mediapolis, (Faysal Aintrazy) Dubai Media City, Bldg. No. 8 - Office No. 208 - Dubai, UAE, P.O. Box: 502111, Tel: (+971)4-3903270, Fax: (+971)4-3908213,
KSA: AL NYZAK, (Roger Nasr) Al Khayyat Center, P.O. Box 31422, Jeddah 21332, KSA, Tel: (+966)2-6649058, Fax: (+966)2-6654956
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Boghos Ghougassian
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Arab Environment 9: Sustainable Development in a Changing Arab Climate
ان جميع مقالات ونصوص "البيئة والتنمية" تخضع لرخصة الحقوق الفكرية الخاصة بـ "المنشورات التقنية". يتوجب نسب المقال الى "البيئة والتنمية" . يحظر استخدام النصوص لأية غايات تجارية . يُحظر القيام بأي تعديل أو تحوير أو تغيير في النص الأصلي. لمزيد من المعلومات عن حقوق النشر يرجى الاتصال بادارة المجلة
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