Friday 19 Apr 2024 |
Environment and development AL-BIA WAL-TANMIA Leading Arabic Environment Magazine

Najib Saab Defying Nature Can Buy Time but Does not Save the Environment 
Can technology alone stop the collapse of natural systems, without addressing the root of the problem and changing production and consumption patterns?...more
Najib Saab Energy Transition: Fixing Plan A Should Precede Shifting to Plan B 
Achieving the goal of tripling the production capacity of renewable energy by 2030 will not be possible if the world continues on the current path...more
Cheryl Leutjen LOVE EARTH NOW 
How to Be Earth-Mindful: Book Guides Readers Toward Realistic Ways to Show a Little Love to the Planet...more
Najib Saab Water Label Besides Energy Label 
When shopping for any electrical device, we find a label specifying energy efficiency, usually from best to worse, in classes from A to G...more
Najib Saab Europe Succumbs to the Farmers’ Revolution 
Finally, Europe has succumbed to the farmers’ revolution, with the European Parliament elections around the corner...more
Najib Saab Artificial Intelligence: For Sustainability or Destruction? 
Governments, businesses, industries and financial institutions, as well as universities and research centers that do not keep pace with developments ...more
Inger Andersen How the UN Environment Assembly can steer the world to a sustainable future 
The world does not have an environmental to-do list. The world has an environmental must-do list – for 2024 and for decades into the future...more
Najib Saab Environmental Education for a Sustainable Future 
The perception of environment has expanded in recent decades from fighting pollution to the management of natural resources...more
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Boghos Ghougassian
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Arab Environment 9: Sustainable Development in a Changing Arab Climate
ان جميع مقالات ونصوص "البيئة والتنمية" تخضع لرخصة الحقوق الفكرية الخاصة بـ "المنشورات التقنية". يتوجب نسب المقال الى "البيئة والتنمية" . يحظر استخدام النصوص لأية غايات تجارية . يُحظر القيام بأي تعديل أو تحوير أو تغيير في النص الأصلي. لمزيد من المعلومات عن حقوق النشر يرجى الاتصال بادارة المجلة
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