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Environment and development AL-BIA WAL-TANMIA Leading Arabic Environment Magazine

Protecting 1.2% of Earth would prevent most extinctions, study says 26/6/2024
Protecting 1.2% of Earth would prevent most extinctions, study says Setting aside an additional 1.2% of the world's land as nature preserves would prevent the majority of predicted plant and animal extinctions and cost about $263 billion, according to a study published on Tuesday. ...more
Newly identified tipping point for ice sheets could mean greater sea level rise 26/6/2024
Newly identified tipping point for ice sheets could mean greater sea level rise A newly identified tipping point for the loss of ice sheets in Antarctica and elsewhere could mean future sea level rise is significantly higher than current projections. ...more
German coal power phase-out likely before 2038 due to economics, says climate envoy 26/6/2024
German coal power phase-out likely before 2038 due to economics, says climate envoy Germany is likely to phase out its coal-fired power stations before the legally mandated date of 2038 due to worsening economics for coal plants, the country's climate envoy said on Monday. ...more
RE100 corporate initiative calls on Japan to triple renewables capacity by 2035 26/6/2024
RE100 corporate initiative calls on Japan to triple renewables capacity by 2035 RE100, a global corporate initiative to foster renewable power procurement, on Tuesday called on the Japanese government to take urgent and concrete steps to triple its renewable electricity capacity by 2035 from 2022 levels. ...more
Mobile container produces electricity from wind and solar power at Munich Airport 26/6/2024
Mobile container produces electricity from wind and solar power at Munich Airport An innovative system for sustainable energy generation is currently in use at Munich Airport: a container with photovoltaic panels and wind rotors from FlowGen, a company specializing in green energy system solutions. In cooperation with Munich Airport, the mobile energy container is being used to charge electric vehicles. ...more
Mission 2025 group urges governments to set more ambitious climate goals 25/6/2024
Mission 2025 group urges governments to set more ambitious climate goals Some of the world's biggest companies, finance houses, cities and regions have joined forces to urge governments to increase their climate ambition ahead of a February 2025 deadline to deliver their emission-cutting plans to the United Nations. ...more
Climate engineering off US coast could increase heatwaves in Europe, study finds 25/6/2024
Climate engineering off US coast could increase heatwaves in Europe, study finds A geoengineering technique designed to reduce high temperatures in California could inadvertently intensify heatwaves in Europe, according to a study that models the unintended consequences of regional tinkering with a changing climate. ...more
Only 60% of Australians accept climate disruption is human-caused, global poll finds 25/6/2024
Only 60% of Australians accept climate disruption is human-caused, global poll finds Australians are among the most sceptical around the world that climate disruption is being caused by humans and that the costs of tackling it will be less than that of its impacts, according to polling across 26 countries. ...more
Citizen testing finds 75% of rivers in Britain in poor ecological health 25/6/2024
Citizen testing finds 75% of rivers in Britain in poor ecological health A huge citizen testing blitz of rivers across Britain this summer has found 75% are in poor ecological health as a result of pollution from water companies and agricultural runoff. ...more
Millions of mosquitoes released in Hawaii to save rare birds from extinction 25/6/2024
Millions of mosquitoes released in Hawaii to save rare birds from extinction Millions of mosquitoes are being released from helicopters in Hawaii in a last-ditch attempt to save rare birds slipping into extinction. ...more
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Boghos Ghougassian
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Arab Environment 9: Sustainable Development in a Changing Arab Climate
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