Sunday 24 Nov 2024 |
Environment and development AL-BIA WAL-TANMIA Leading Arabic Environment Magazine

Global data center industry to emit 2.5 billion tons of CO2 through 2030, Morgan Stanley says 5/9/2024
Global data center industry to emit 2.5 billion tons of CO2 through 2030, Morgan Stanley says A boom in data centers is expected to produce about 2.5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions globally through the end of the decade, and accelerate investments in decarbonization efforts, according to Morgan Stanley research. ...more
Canada's insurance sector faces climate catastrophe claim deluge 5/9/2024
Canada's insurance sector faces climate catastrophe claim deluge Hotter summers in Canada that have sparked wildfires in tourist areas, intense hailstorms and thunderstorms with severe flooding in major cities, all likely linked to climate change, are leading to personnel shortages and potentially claims adjustment delays, according to insurance sector insiders. ...more
England’s nature-friendly farming budget to be cut by £100m 5/9/2024
England’s nature-friendly farming budget to be cut by £100m The government is to slash the nature-friendly farming budget in England by £100m in order to help fill what ministers say is a £22bn Treasury shortfall, the Guardian can reveal. ...more
Binge watching Netflix bad for environment 5/9/2024
Binge watching Netflix bad for environment Who would have thought that the simple act of binge watching a series on Netflix could be bad for the environment due to the carbon dioxide emissions? ...more
Light pollution is shrinking the brains of city-dwelling spiders, study says 5/9/2024
Light pollution is shrinking the brains of city-dwelling spiders, study says Light pollution is shrinking the brains of city-dwelling spiders in ways that could affect their ability to climb and hunt, according to new research. ...more
Concern over major coral bleaching off UAE coast 4/9/2024
Concern over major coral bleaching off UAE coast Corals across the southern Arabian Gulf have been affected by a major bleaching event, raising concern among environmental experts. ...more
Melting Himalayan ice reveals 1,700 ancient and unknown virus species 4/9/2024
Melting Himalayan ice reveals 1,700 ancient and unknown virus species There has been a long speculation about what will happen when the polar ice melts! It is believed by the scientists that there lie thousands of viruses buried in those sheets of ice which may come to life once the ice starts melting, which unfortunately seems imperative due to global warming. ...more
UK’s methane hotspots include landfills and last coalmine 4/9/2024
UK’s methane hotspots include landfills and last coalmine The UK’s worst methane hotspots include the last coalmine, livestock farm clusters, landfills, power plants and North Sea oil and gas wells, according to an analysis. ...more
Pollution levels highly harmful to wildlife in quarter of England’s neighbourhoods, research finds 4/9/2024
Pollution levels highly harmful to wildlife in quarter of England’s neighbourhoods, research finds More than a quarter of neighbourhoods in England have pollution levels that are highly harmful to wildlife, new data shows. ...more
Five seabirds added to UK red list of most concern 4/9/2024
Five seabirds added to UK red list of most concern Five seabird species have been added to the UK red list of birds at most need of conservation, joining others such as the puffin. ...more
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Boghos Ghougassian
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Arab Environment 9: Sustainable Development in a Changing Arab Climate
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