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Environment and development AL-BIA WAL-TANMIA Leading Arabic Environment Magazine

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How Tunisian seaweed is changing the future of food production 2/9/2024
(Reuters) - An eco-revolution is taking root beneath the waves of Tunisia's Bizerte lagoon.
Red seaweed is cultivated here, then processed into a range of eco-friendly products - from food ingredients to potential plastic alternatives.
Wiem Sbiai is an expert at Selt Marine, the company behind the venture.
"We collect seaweed from the ocean naturally. After gathering the seaweed, we place a small amount in a tube called a net tumbler, which has its health certificate. Once the net is full, we return it to the sea and leave it for 30 to 40 days to allow for reproduction."
At day 60, after starting with seven ounces, they can yield 13 pounds, says French investor and founder of Selt Marine, Mounir Boulkout.
And once harvested, the seaweed undergoes a transformation to wash, treat and then separate and extract the active ingredient... which is then cooled, pressed, dried, sterilized and ground.
The resulting products could be used in food production as gelling, thickening, and stabilizing agents, says Boulkout.
"The applications in the field of gelling agents are numerous, with over 400 applications primarily using animal-based gelatin, including bovine and pork sources, as well as modified starches, including those from genetically modified maize, which over 80% of us consume."
Selt Marine is also developing biodegradable packaging from seaweed.
However, Boulkout explained that the project faces some challenges due to issues related to climate change and rising sea temperatures in the Mediterranean.
"When I came here 30 years ago, the natural production in the lagoon was around 2,000 tons, with no intervention needed. Today, if you find 10 tons of natural seaweed, it's a maximum."
Despite these obstacles, Selt Marine remains committed to its mission: sustainable innovation while preserving Bizerte's lagoon delicate ecosystem. 
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