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Sustainability efforts recognized by Zayed environmental awards 8/5/2014
The tireless efforts of people who have dedicated their lives to environmentalism and working for a sustainable future were honored yesterday by the Zayed International Foundation for the Environment.
In a ceremony at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Dubai, the sixth year of the event saw awards given out for leadership, scientific research and environmental action.
Prince Albert II of Monaco received an award for his global leadership in environmental and sustainable development.
“I am honored to have been selected for this award,” he said during a short acceptance speech on behalf of all the winners.
“Environmental protection is too important and there are too many problems and issues we need to overcome to ever think we can rest.
“This rare opportunity and recognition should be an incentive to persevere.”
The Zayed International Foundation for the Environment aims to provide a financial and moral reward to people who make an outstanding contribution to the environment and sustainable development.
It also organizes a range of events and activities in the UAE and internationally to raise awareness of sustainable living.
Dr Ashok Khosla, the founder of Development Alternative Group, works in his home country, India, to develop sustainable businesses that help people escape poverty.
At the Dubai event he was awarded in the scientific and/or technological achievement in the environment category, which comes with a US$300,000 (Dh1.1 million) prize.
“We will use this money to help fund a variety of projects to improve water, sanitation and job creation, among other things”, he said after receiving the prize.
Sharing the award was Malaysian Dr Zakri Abdul Hamid, who has been instrumental in the need for action to prevent destruction of ecosystems.
The category for environmental action leading to positive change, with a prize of US$200,000, was awarded to Paula Caballero Gomez of Colombia.
She was recognized for creating and promoting sustainable development goals (SDG), which help to set up a method of implementing development.
Sharing the award for environmental action leading to positive change was Swiss Dr Luc Hoffman for his work studying waterland bird populations.
A new element for the seventh cycle of the award will be the introduction of a young scientist award category.
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